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Join the travels of Bernie Harberts at RiverEarth.com. The "Lost Sea Expedition" is Bernie's voyage in a mule wagon through the center of the USA - across what was millions of years ago a sea.

Technology on the mule wagon! Once Bernie is underway MuleCam will update every hour with a new picture of where the Expedition is...

Introducing MULECAM!

   Monday, February 27, 2006  
Off Down the Road - Southern Pines, NC

Watch those fingers...

With enough good advice and horsepower, I soon had the wagon body mounted on the chassis.

Now all that remained was the shake down. Once the brakes were adjusted and bled (this took three days, mind you) I hooked Jack and Bill up to my new creation.

Ok boys, "Up! Up!"

Then we hit the road for shakedown number one.

Off down the road

All went well so I hauled my outfit to Oriental, NC to start on shake down number two.


(Thanks Susan Edwards for the great photos...! Bernie)
posted by Bernie at 9:30 PM

Lost Sea Expedition Archives


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