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Join the travels of Bernie Harberts at RiverEarth.com. The "Lost Sea Expedition" is Bernie's voyage in a mule wagon through the center of the USA - across what was millions of years ago a sea.

Technology on the mule wagon! Once Bernie is underway MuleCam will update every hour with a new picture of where the Expedition is...

Introducing MULECAM!

   Friday, June 30, 2006  
Mule(-less) Wagon Prepped for Croaker Parade - Oriental, NC

There may be no mules to pull it, but the Lost Sea Expedition wagon is set to appear in Saturday's Croaker Festival Parade in Oriental, NC.

Keith Smith agreed to provide his Wizard lawn mower for locomotion.

Gee! (that means right in mulespeak)

For more pictures, visit towndock.net.
posted by Bernie at 7:35 AM

Lost Sea Expedition Archives


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