"65 Days Alone" DVD Released!

Day 37 – Stuck in the Atlantic Doldrums

After months of work, three-time Emmy Award winner Bob Collins and I have released my “65 Days Alone at Sea” DVD.

65 Days Alone at Sea

This film answers the question I get most about sailig solo around the world – “So Bernie, what’s it like to be alone on the ocean for months at a time.”

Well, here’s your chance to find out.

“65 Days Alone at Sea” is about a two-month non-stop sail I made from South Africa to the Virgin Islands. In particular, it’s about how your body changes at sea (ever hear of Skin Navigation?), how your mind adjusts (there’s that thing about the jester sliding off the church roof…) and the unexpected things you run across at sea (the abandoned boat in the Bermuda Triangle – the one with the tied up manequin aboard…).

Fanged mystery skipper – Bermuda Triangle, North Atlantic Ocean

As we sail from Cape Town to the Virgin Islands aboard Sea Bird, we’ll live for two months off rain water and tuna caught on hand-lines.

A bucket of rain – South Atlantic squall

Tuna before

Tuna after

We’ll go from bowsprit to mast in all weather conditions, and when the wind dies, I’ll take you for a dinghy ride in the middle of the Doldrums.

So… if you’re the kind of person that looks at the blue on the world map and thinks, “Hmmmmm, wonder what it’s like out there?”, this would be the perfect DVD for you.

Or than again, if you pass your idle time in rush hour playing the steering wheel like the main sheet thinking “Man, I’m running away to sea…”. Or you always thought “I could never do something like that alone…” .

Ok, you get the drift. This would be just the DVD for you, too.

If you’d like a copy, I’d love to send you one. Just send me your name and shipping address and $15.00 per DVD and you’ll be off on your own 6500 mile ocean journey.

Once I get the store up and running, I’ll take credit cards. But for now, just print out and complete the order form below, get it back to me and we’ll get underway.

YES! I’d like a copy of “65 Days Alone at Sea”

Please ship to:
City, State, Zip:
Phone 1:
Phone 2:

Number of DVDs:
Cost Per DVD ($15.00):
Shipping and handling: $2.50

Please return cash, check or money order (made payable to RiverEarth) to:
Bernie Harberts
PO Box 245
Southern Pines, NC




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