Black Hills September Snow
The nation may be suffering from an early September heat wave, but just to throw a meteorological wrench into the equation, Ma Nature dusted the South Dakota Black Hills with snow. Then she threw in a tomato-killing frost.
Dakota Tomato-killer
Hard-pressed to believe that fall was so close at hand, I trudged into Hill City for a glimpse at the thermometer. Sure enough, the time-and-temperature display that had flashed 110 degrees only a month earlier now pulsed a way-lower number. At 7:01AM it displayed 26 degrees.
26 degrees.
Fall is on the way.
Ice on the hame balls (the hames are the metal bars that clamp around Polly’s leather pulling collar)
Frost and Lost Sea wagon
If you’re sick and tired of the summer heat, I hope you’re cooler now. Enjoy what remains of your summer.