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Riding the Tater Tunnel Trail

In the good old days before refrigeration, ice cream and the device you’re reading this on, folks used to store their canned goods and root vegetables in root cellars. Around here in western North Carolina, folks call them tater tunnels, because that’s were potatoes were stored. I counted 5 on the roads that lead from Colletsville to Gragg. No doubt I passed many more that were hidden. Call it the tater tunnel day.

Bernie Harberts, tater tunnel

How we started the day in Globe.… Continue reading

The Night Before Riding Away on my Mules

It’s 9p, Friday night. I’m in the cabin alone. This will be my last night in my bed for many months. In the morning, I will saddle Brick and Cracker, ride out the front gate and head west. I will ride Cracker. Brick will carry the supplies.

Here’s a few photos from the past few days of preparations.

Bernie Harberts, mule, brick, cracker

Brick and Cracker. This is how they looked the day before yesterday on their final outing before leaving. They’re loaded with the… Continue reading

Pant Leg Jug Carriers and the Blanket Stitch

Snip, snip, snip go the scissors. Chug, chug, chug goes the sewing machine. I’m down to final preps for my upcoming mule ramble. That means sewing up canvas covers for my water jugs. I’m feeling lonely tonight. Julia, my wife and the only person that ever rode a mule with me on one of my rambles, is not coming on my upcoming Mules West journey.

Bernie Harberts, top hat, sewing

The past few evenings I’ve been sewing on my old White sewing machine. I don’t… Continue reading

The List of Items I’d Take on a Half Year Mule Ramble

So you want to run away for a few months on a mule. What would you take?
Hell if I know. But Julia stepped in to the rescue. She hand wrote a list based on the items used on our last month and a half mule trip.

Bernie Harberts, julia carpenter, mule, list

Here’s how Julia and I looked after 6 weeks on the road with our mules. I’m taking much the same gear with me on my next mule journey.

Here’s what Julia’s list looks… Continue reading

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