Merry Christmas from the homestead up the holler. “I’ll be Home For Christmas” is playing (the Bing Crosby version), the wood stove is glowing and Snookie is pondering another cookie. “I’ll be Home for Christmas” rings true this year, just not in original way it was meant (it was written from the point of view of a WWII soldier stationed abroad). With Covid numbers spiking, my wife Julia and I are hunkering down on the farm with the critters instead of visiting family and friends.
Here are a few photos from around the homestead I thought you might enjoy.
Around the Homestead
I wish you a good Christmas where ever your are and who ever you are with. If you are alone for parts or all of this Christmas season, I sure feel for you. That can sure be an up and down bugger of a ride. One moment you’re surrounded by nothing but your thoughts of being surrounded by….nothing but your thoughts. Then a friend might drop by or call and you’re pulled back up. I say this because it reminds me of a memorable Christmas I spent alone on a boat about 20 year ago.
And now, I am signing off with a final photo. Of course there’s a mule on our Christmas tree!