Gone Ramblin'

Ramblin’ road: a perfect road for wandering (Catamaran, Tasmania). You can take a closer look on the map below. Click on “Satellite” for the best view.


That’s what my buddy Kenny calls it when we take off on our mules with no destination in mind.

Which is precisely how I plan to spend the next few days. Only I’m heading out on my $10 bike instead of a mule. ‘thinking of heading up Tasmania’s East Coast for a look.

‘til then, I hope 2011’s started well for you. Drop by in a few days to see what’s turned up.

Now go do some ramblin’ of your own! Or, if the winter weather’s got you cooped up inside and you’re in the mood for visitin’, drop me a line…

2011-01-08 15:35:12

I so enjoy your posts. Here in Indiana it is about 15 degrees and snowing! Oh well, it is winter.
Have a great day. Stay safe.

2011-01-08 18:20:02

Hey bernie I’m a ramblin too, on a sailboat this time, east coast FL. hope alls well
luv peta

Carolyn Howell
2011-01-08 22:30:12

Hi Bernie,
The weather here in eastern NC does have me cooped up inside. So far this winter we have had snowy, cold, and rainy weather which isn’t conducive for rambling.
I am enjoying traveling around Tasmania with you. What is your weather like in Tasmania?
Ramble safely and I will be on the lookout for your next story.

2011-01-09 19:09:46

Hi Bernie,
Just finished “Too Proud To Ride A Cow.” Enjoyed it very much, and also look forward to your every new post from Down Under. In your rambles over the next few days, could you tell us about any wildlife you might see or have encounters with? (I’m thinking Spiny Echidna or…??). Thanks!

butterbean carpenter
2011-01-09 22:22:42

Howdy Bernie, That looks like a NC backroad.. WATCH OUT
FOR THE TASMANIAN WOLVES AND DEVILS in that thick brush!! Why don’t you put a Tasmanian name on that bicycle, like Georgie or Blimy? Our friend teamsterbob left 20 degree weather
and headed back home where itz 11 degrees at
night and 25 in the daytime..BRRRRRR!!!! At the
RunningStar Ranch in Coleman county Texas, itz
raining and the temp is dropping and I don’t like ICE… We’ve had a real nice rain, that we needed badly, but that freeze can go back
and keep Bob and the skiers frigid.. What
month(up here) corresponds with what you’re having (down there)?? Send me on of those
crawdads for my trotline!!!

kenny lasthillmulefarm
2011-01-11 11:50:23

hey bernie got snow again in the south land so ya know we gonna do much sittin around headed out to catch one of them mules ,then off to the big sand box over at hoffman


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