Goodnight Wishes From Damascus
I am writing you tonight from my hammock. It’s slung between my horse trailer and a stock panel. It’s pitch black outside and the night air smells like camomile.
I hear Brick and Cracker munching clover off in the night and I feel a deep peace. Tomorrow I saddle up and start my ramble. Here are a few more pics of where we’re camping.
Going Cellular
In the past I’ve posted all my updates on a laptop. On this trip, because I’m heading into remote country (which these days is defined by lack of cell service) I’m going to do my posts on my phone. This means you’ll probably get more sketchs and audio recordings of my thoughts. Oh, and spelling mistakes as I’m a crappy phone typer.
This’ll make these posts feel more like a scrap book than an essay.
Okay now a photo from my pocket journal.