Grain Bin Drowning Danger

How is a grain bin like an above ground pool? You can drown in both.

I’m sure the mules are thinking, “you tied us to a drowning danger?”

Last week the mules and I took a lunch break in the shade of an Illinois grain bin. I had the usual sardines and dry ramen noodles washed down with jug water. Then I strolled around the grain bin and discovered how it might kill me.

I’ve always considered grain bins friendly fellows. Not so.
Death by flowing grain or crusted grain? Neither for me, thank you.

The danger seemed over-stated. I survived the nap in the shade of the grain bin just fine.


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Christian Harberts
5 years ago

Man, that’s got to be near the top (or bottom??) of the 100 worse ways to die… Has anybody incorporated drowning by corn in a film? Right up there with drowning in quicksand…


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