How Do Hoof Boots Work on Mules in the Mud?

When people hear I use hoof boots on my mules, one of the first things they ask is, “How do they work in the mud?” My answer is, “Great.” Here’s a video of how my Renegade hoof boots worked on the Virginia Highlands Horse Trail on my recent ramble.

“But, Don’t Hoof Boots Fall Off?”

Another question I get a lot about hoof boots is, “Don’t they fall off a lot?” To which I answer, “Don’t steel horseshoes fall off occasionally, too?” Sure, I have the occasional hoof boot pop off one of my mounts, but it’s rare. On my recent 130-mile mule trip, which included some real heavy-duty boot-sucking mud, I only had one boot come loose. It came loose in a pasture, and the ankle strap kept it attached to the pastern. All I had to do was hop off my mule Cracker, re-attach the boot, and keep going.

I found more than one loose shoe on the trail while riding the Virginia Highlands Horse Trail

Read the Most Comprehensive Hoof Boot Report on the Internet

For more on my experience with hoof boots on horses and mules (over 10,000 long-distance miles), check out the Hoof Boot Report. It’s my experience with hoof boots on a month-and-a-half-long saddle trip I did with my wife, Julia. We used three different kinds of boots (Renegades, Easy Boots and Cavallos) on our journey, and I wrote up how each of them performed. You can read the review here.

Let me Give You a Heads-up When my New Book “Two Mules to Triumph” is Published

I’d love to give you a heads-up when my new book, Two Mules to Triumph, is published. It’s about riding Brick and Cracker 2,300 miles from North Carolina to Idaho. Just sign up for my newsletter, and I’ll let you know when it’s released. As a thank you, I’ll give you a link where you can download my free eBook, 19 Million Mule Steps.

19 million mule steps winnie award winner
19 Million Mule Steps is the award-winning new photo book about riding my mules Brick and Cracker 2,300 miles from North Carolina to Idaho.

19 Million Mule Steps contains over one hundred pages of photos, essays and sketches that didn’t fit into Two Mules to Triumph.


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