Johnny the Chicken Slat Man
It happened in Globe.
The man walked up to mule Brick who was tied to a poplar tree and said, “I thought she was loose.”
“She’s not,” I said, “but thanks for checking.”
The man, the tree and Brick. (Globe, NC)
The man looked tired.
Me: “What do you do for a living?”
Him: “I build chicken slats.”
Me: “What’s that?”
Him: “It’s what chickens lay eggs on and the chickens will always keep laying.”
Me: “Where’s your job?”
Him: “Taylorsville, one and a half hours away. There’s no work in Globe.”
Me: “I’m Bernie. What’s your name?”
Him: “Johnny.”
He looked distant and weary.
Johnny: chicken slat builder.
Every week I’m out here on the road with my mules, I learn of a new job I never knew existed.
I will think of Johnny next time I fry an egg.
[…] I think of all the people it’s carried me to, from the Chicken Slat Man to the Turtle Lady. I think of how Wyoming sage brush country smells after the rain and the rush of […]