Join Julia and Me as we get Hitched!

Bernie Harberts, julia carpenter, mule, marriage, married, getting married, engagement

The wedding party: Mule Polly and Snookie will be witness. You’re invited, too.( photo)

Julia and I are getting married this weekend and you’re invited. The hitchin’ is at 11am at the Oriental Town Dock in Oriental, NC. The Town Dock has served as jumping off point for quite a few of my adventures, from sailing alone around the world to walking across America with a mule. Of course dogs and mules are welcome. ‘be great if you could come out!
A wonderful story on how my sailing voyage ended in Oriental 15 years ago is here at

Bob and Jacquie
2019-02-28 12:56:32

Our warmest congratulations to you both. I know that by the time you receive this note, you’ll both be well settled into marital bliss. But better late than never. Take Care and once again – Congratulations,

Bob and Jacquie.

2019-03-01 21:32:32

Hi guys. Hey great hearing from you! Yes indeed, we settled in to marital bliss for a few days. Then of course we got the travel bug. First a Love Valley (“The Cowboy Capital”) saddleback honeymoon. Then, April 1 I plan to start my next mule ramble. Big wheels gotta keep turnin’. Hope you’re well. Bernie


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