Listen to Two Mules Clip Clop Across a Railroad Bridge

This morning my mules Brick, Cracker and I tackled the first leg of our mule ramble. We plan to spend the next two days riding 30 miles up the Virginia Creeper Trail. It all started in front of an ancient locomotive.

Start of the Virginia Creeper Trail (Abingdon, VA)
Brick giving a locomotive parked at the trailhead the side eye

Here are some photos and audio from the day you’ll enjoy.

Cracker crossing the first of 15 trestles we encountered today.

Here’s what a very excited me sounded like moments after we crossed our first trestle bridge.

Click on the player for a dose of early ramble excitement
A new trestle. The original one was destroyed by a tornado a few years ago.
A culinary score from the saddle – the year’s first cherry growing wild on the side of the trail

Okay, Have a Listen to Some Mule Hoofs on Wood

Listen to Brick and Cracker Walk Across a Hundred Year Old Trestle Bridge
Crossing the convergence of the South and Middle Holstein Rivers
Traveling through some mountain farm country. The corn is just starting to sprout.
Cracker hanging with his new buddies, at Mike and Cindy Johnson’s

Late Night Day One Mule Ramble Thoughts

Tomorrow I head out of Damascus toward White Top, 15 miles away up the Creeper Trail

I hope you had a good day.

Tap on the player for some late night rambling thoughts

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