Log of Days, Names and Miles
Most evenings after the mules are staked out for the night and my tent is pitched, I dig out my journal and write down how far we’ve come.
I don’t write in a leather bound journal you might imagine Wild Bill communing with after a busy day shooting buffalo. No, my journal’s just a plastic binder filled with 50 sheets of loose leaf paper.
I think I brought 40 sheets too many. Since I rode out the front gate 146 days ago, I’ve done most of my journal keeping online.
Mostly, I use my journal for keeping track of the days. Of where I spent the night, of who put us up, of how many miles I’ve traveled.
Here’s how our first 166 days on the road looked.
As of today, September 27, the mules and I had made Alpine, Wyoming, on the western edge of Wyoming smack up against the Idaho border. Mules Brick and Cracker and I have traveled almost 2000 miles since we left our western North Carolina home back in April.