Pineapples or Pine Apples?

Seemingly non-stop rain these past 2 weeks. The sort that dumps 12 inches of rain on you in almost as many days. The type that holes you up inside so long you want to escape. The type that reminds you western North Carolina flirts with being a temperate rain forest.

This afternoon Julia and I sloshed down the driveway to escape the cabin. Lying in the driveway…..tiny pineapples?

Tiny pineapples?

Turns out they were pollen cones dropped from the white pine trees that line our drive. On the way back from to the cabin we joked that while they looked like miniature pineapples, they were really “pine apples”.

A few more pics of the afternoon.

Julia feeding corn husks to (L to R) Pickle, Cracker, Brick and Polly.
Close-up of tiny pine apples – aka pollen cones

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