I’m writing you from a wet, dark tent tonight. It’s damp. My feet stink. My sleeping bag is soggy. And it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have ventured out with the mules today.
I should have called a rain date today. I should have stayed in my tent in Novelty, Missouri. I should have listened to the rain tap, tap, tap overhead. I should have written my wife Julia a letter. Maybe headed down to the Novelty Diner for the Belly Buster Breakfast special.
I mean Novelty, Missouri had been good to mules Brick, Cracker and me.
But I didn’t stay in Novelty. I saddled up Brick and Cracker, despite the rainy forecast, and set out. I should know better. Here are some photos of the soggy day.
After 2 hours of walking in the rain, the heavens opened. The trucks roaring by throwing their huge plumes of spray were making walking up the road too dangerous. I pulled in to a cemetery, pulled on my poncho and waited out the drenching.
By day’s end, the mules and I had walked 14 miles from Novelty to the outskirts of La Plata. We camped behind an abandoned house. Tonight, our only companions are 2 coyote hounds and some tree frogs.
It’s now 10:30p. The rain’s tapping on my tent. But I’m not on the road. The mules have plenty of browse tonight so they’ll be fine. Tomorrow I hear the sun’s gonna shine. That’ll be sweet. I’ll be able to dry out my mules and my top hat!
Good night from the road outside Plata, Missouri. Bernie, Brick and Cracker
Whew. My mules, socks, tent, boots, shirt, pants, pocket notebook, saddle, camera and Cracker’s back thank you for the sunny wishes! And thank you again.
Sun come back and dry my sweet man.Please and thank you.
Whew. My mules, socks, tent, boots, shirt, pants, pocket notebook, saddle, camera and Cracker’s back thank you for the sunny wishes! And thank you again.