Snow on the Pillows

This morning, Julia and I woke up with snow on our pillows. We sleep with our bedroom window open, year-round, and during the night, the season’s first snowstorm blew in. The boundary between the indoors and the outdoors is thin and that’s the way we like it.

Julia went out to feed the critters before coffee this morning. I took some photos you might enjoy. Yes, we’ll get to the coffee. Enjoy!

Pie hunkered down, tail-to the wind
The view from our bedroom window. The window is open. Our cabin has wide eaves so most of the snow, especially when it’s coming from the other side of the house, stays out. In cold weather, I sleep with a wool cap on my head.
The scene outside our back door. The building in the center is the batch, Julia’s studio. The building in the distance is the barn.
Julia haying
Cracker wants to know when this will end. The critters can get in out of the weather under their run-in shed. They can also hunker down out of the wind in the forest.
Not hot coffee
Heading home
The scene outside our back door.
Back inside. We heat with wood. Our woodstove is our only source of heat. It’s also great for cooking beans, lentils and heating water.
Now it’s time for a cup of black medicine. That’s our cookstove and coffee pot. We don’t own a coffee maker. We just boil our coffee in a pot, cowboy-style.

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[…] « Snow on the Pillows […]

Christian Harberts
Christian Harberts
2 years ago

Nah – Cracker is actually embarrassed somebody got a photo of a mule wearing a blanket. Awkward… Meanwhile, Magneto knows a good thing when he wears one…


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