Todd Greetings

bernie harberts julia caprenter missy kincaid photo mule trail ride horse camping

End of the line…well the day at least. The mules tied to the caboose at RiverGirl Fishing Company in Todd, NC. We are spending the night here before heading toward West Jefferson.

The last 3 days we climbed the escarpment from Darby to Todd, NC. Highlights include catching up with Eustace Conway (Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Last American Man” / History Channel’s “Mountain Men”), roadside graham crackers and a gift of water when our throats were as dry as our water bottles. Tonight we’re camped at RiverGirl Fishing Company in Todd, NC. Thanks Kelly and Renata for the eggs and campsite. Also big thanks to Helen at the Todd Mercantile for offering us a place to stay behind the bakery. More photos as we settle in to the Todd/West Jefferson area (Todd, NC).


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