Let the Photos Speak

Bernie Harberts, Bernie Harberts photo, Julie Carpenter, ride out the front gate, riverearth.com, mule, horse, trail ride, western North Carolina, packing, adventure, voyage, horse voyage, mule voyage, barefoot hoof trim, pack mule

Julia working on her relationship with mule Dusty. He’s actually a lovable hard working mule…just has some quirks. She borrowed him from our good friend Ronald Hudson for this trip.

Some days words capture our mule ramble best. Other days it’s photos. Today’s one of those picture days. Julia captures the mule ramble mood on her Saddle Under the Stars blog. Some beautiful scenery and mule interaction is just a click away.

Tent Goodnight

Bernie Harberts, Bernie Harberts photo, Julie Carpenter, ride out the front gate, riverearth.com, mule, horse, trail ride, western North Carolina, packing, adventure, voyage, horse voyage, mule voyage, barefoot hoof trim, pack mule

The tent tonight. For us, this is luxury lodging: we’re set up inside a cow barn.(Damascus, VA)

Goodnight from our tent. It’s been a rainy day for mule travel. Julia and I are holed up waiting dryer weather. We’re here in Mike Johnson’s cow barn (Damascus, VA) cozy and dry, grateful for all the fine folks that have taken care of us during our mule ramble. Here’s what it’s like inside our tent tonight.
Sleep tight.

Bernie Harberts, Bernie Harberts photo, Julie Carpenter, ride out the front gate, riverearth.com, mule, horse, trail ride, western North Carolina, packing, adventure, voyage, horse voyage, mule voyage, tent, barn, cow barn

My mattress… Continue reading

Sought: Lodging for 3 Mules

bernie harberts julia caprenter riverearth.com horse camp tent mule trail ride shadow

Mule time: out here traveling the land with our mules, shadow length, not what the clock says, is how we measure time.

Julia and I are riding our mules across the Appalachian back roads. It’s noon. The sun hangs plumb above our heads before starting its slow descent to the wooded horizon. The mules throw fat shadows, a set of stumpy shadows walking beside their real legs.
The sun slides down the other side of its daily arc, toward the… Continue reading

About the First 100 Miles

Bernie Harberts, Bernie Harberts photo, Julie Carpenter, ride out the front gate, riverearth.com, mule, horse, trail ride, western North Carolina, packing, adventure, voyage, horse voyage, mule voyage, barefoot hoof trim, pack mule

Morning execise: no this isn’t some fancy yoga move like the Upward Mule. It’s Julia shaking the grass out of our tent. Mule Brick is looking on. We do this every morning before we fold up out tent, rope it to Polly’s pack saddle and hit the trail.

It’s about Mile 100 of our mule journey. We have settled in to the mule ramble pace. I say “about” Mile 100 because we don’t really know how far we’ve come. And… Continue reading

Chris: Worm Wrangler

The man hunched over the plastic container on the side of the road was grabbing at the dirt. We’d seen all sorts of sight on our mule ramble. So far, though, nobody shuffling through the damp leaves on the shoulder looking for, what the hell….? Meet Chris, worm seeker.

The Mule Ramble so Far

bernie harberts Julia carpenter trail ride Eustace Conway turtle island audio recording mule horse

Our route to date. We started our ramble at our front gate.

Three weeks ago we started our mule ramble. We rode out the farm gate with our three mules and headed in to North Carolina’s High County. Ten days later, Hurricane Florence chased us off the road. Julia just posted the mule ramble equivalent of the “half time report” on her Saddle Under the Stars blog. It’s a great read on our adventure to date. It’s about dealing with… Continue reading

The Singing ex-Monk Dave Demour

It’s a rainy Sunday. We’re taking a short break from the mule ramble to wait out Hurricane Florence. We’re sorting photos, editing footage and reflecting on some of the interesting people we met during our amble through the western North Carolina hills.
One of the memorable people we’re thinking back on is Dave Demour. Dave’s an amazing stone artist, ex-monk, singer song writer and resiedent of Todd, NC. We could tell you more about Dave but this video sums up… Continue reading

Looking for Eustace

bernie harberts julia caprenter riverearth.com horse camp tent night sky photo mule trail ride horse camping leatherwood moutains

Our tent. This is where we made the recording below.

Eustace Conway: mountain man from “Mountain Men”. Here’s a Sunday evening story about how Julia and I try to track him down on our mule ramble.
It’s night. We’re stretched out in our pitch black tent (see pic above). We’re recording our musings. Crank up the volume. Kick back and chill.
(Post Script: this recording was made last week. We’re holed up right now at our cabin waiting for hurricane… Continue reading

Current Ramble

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