Winter 2014 "Hoofing It" Programs

Gulp! Woody and Maggie pause to gawk at a traveler in distress. This time it’s Jonah “swallowed” by a whale in Granite Fall, NC. The two (pony and mule, not boy and whale) walked across North Carolina – and the USA – a while back. You can learn about this voyage at one of the following “Hoofing It” programs.

So you left Christmas in the dust. Made some resolutions but back slid moments after 2014 kicked off. Now you’ve got to fix the kitchen window where you put the New Years champagne cork through the low e-glass… Wow, sounds like a good time to run away.

Here’s what you do.

Come visit me at one of the upcoming “Hoofing It” programs. I can’t help you do the fix-your-life-and-window thing we all do in early January. But I can take you on a (narrative) mule ramble across North Carolina. We’ll eat some Flour Burgers. Ponder the Hell Town mystery. Maybe even check out some yard art.

By the time we get done, you’ll have your life priorities straight. Hell, you’ll be ready to fire another cork through that busted window before you order that replacement double hung.

Here are some dates to consider:

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Best of Our State 2014
Produced by “Our State” magazine
Grove Park Inn
290 Macon Ave
Asheville, NC 28804
Ticket and reservation info: Best of Our State 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014
Greensboro Historical Museum
130 Summit Ave.
Greensboro, NC 27401
No charge

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Haw River Historical Association Museum
201 E Main St, Haw River, NC 27258
(336) 684-1002
No charge


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