Our Place in the Universe

Our place in the universe (Caldwell County, North Carolina)

“This is where I most proudly live, in the little cabin under the big night sky.” That’s what Julia wrote after I took the photo above of our cabin on a recent wintry night. You can read the rest of Julia’s beautiful musings over here on her ConsideringAnimals.com blog post.

Measuring Pie for Hoof Boots (Part 2 of the 3 Part Series on Transitioning to Hoof Boots)

We clipped her nails and pulled her shoes. In my recent post “Off With Her Shoes” I wrote about how my wife Julia and I are transitioning her pony Pie from steel shoes to bare feet. In this update, I’ll show you how we trimmed and measured Pie’s feet for hoof boots. But first, to recap, a few pics of Pie having her shoes removed.

Julia pulling Pie’s shoes. Lots of pics and descriptions on how this went… Continue reading

Mule Wrestling

The view from my writing desk. It’s clear that Brick and Cracker need to get back to work.

Mules Brick and Cracker are doing their best to distract me from book writing. This afternoon I was writing the second draft of traveling across Wyoming with my mules on the way to Idaho. A thudding brought me to the window. Brick and Cracker were wrestling just off the front porch.

Tonight I’m putting together photos of a completely different nature –… Continue reading

For Sale: Trailer for Hauling Horses/Mules and Wagon Together

Sold Sold Sold: Enjoy your new trailer Etienne and Hahna!

How do you haul a horse and wagon in a single load? With a trailer that can do both. I’ve owned and enjoyed one of these rare trailers for 15 years. It’s served me incredibly well. This week I’m putting it up for sale.

The trailer. The horses or mules ride in the front. The wagon rides in the back.
Trailer loaded with wagon and mule. Mule and wagon not… Continue reading

Slushy Sunday Shadow

Pie cozying down in her shelter. That’s Cracker’s looming shadow.

Howdy Sunday. Julia and I woke to a light snowfall this morning. By noon, temps were in the mid-forties and it was all melting away. Here are few pics I thought you’d enjoy.

The morning as it started. This is the view off our front porch, over the hay pasture where the horses graze. It’s too wet to turn them out today but tomorrow they’ll get a few hours’ turnout.… Continue reading

I am Heart Broken

Today protestors stormed the Capitol Building. I see images of bearded men waving flags and clubs and security forces with guns drawn. I am heartbroken.

I have walked to the four borders of my beloved United States with my mules, from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans and from Canada to Mexico. I was helped out by hundreds of people whose political views I agreed with and just as many that I did not.

Cowboys praying (Hyannis, Nebraska / Julia Carpenter photo)… Continue reading

What is the Best Hoof Boot: 3 Boots After 32 Days on the Trail

We reviewed Cavallo, Renegade and Easy Boot hoof boots. Here's how they held up after 32 days on the trail.
We reviewed Cavallo, Renegade and Easy Boot hoof boots. Here’s how they held up after 32 days on the trail.

What is the best hoof boot for your horse or mule? My wife Julia and I spent 6 weeks riding from North Carolina to Virginia and back with three brands of hoof boots. This post is what we learned about these hoof boots after 32 days on the road. The 3 boots reviewed are Cavallo hoof boots, EasyBoot hoof boots… Continue reading

New Year Snail Mask Debacle

Happy New Year, everyone. Julia and I were gifted two facial home kits for Christmas. We tried them out today (January 1) and got a rude surprise. I hope your 2023 starts better than this (see above).

Have a Good Last Day of 2020

The last day of 2020 from where I’m writing you: the critters are (L-R) Pie (lying down on the front lawn), Polly, Snookie resting on his blanket, Brick grazing and Cracker staring off in to space.

I just wanted to wish you a good last day of 2020. I know it’s been a bumpy year but I wanted my last memory to be a good one. Looking out the cabin, this is what I saw. Let’s hope the coming year… Continue reading

Current Ramble

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